Welcome to the Bloodaxe Miniatures website; the place to find the latest information concerning Lance Runolfsson's Bloodaxe Miniatures.
Bloodaxe Miniatures and this website are produced by HistoriFigs. On this site you will find the latest Bloodaxe Miniatures news as well as listings for the currently available miniature figures.
Our friends in the the United Kingdom and Europe may wish to contact Tony Barr at East Riding Miniatures, he is producing a variety of 15mm Ancients as well as 25mm Hawaiians for the European market.
If you are looking for the Blasted Panets range of miniature figures (Lance's 25mm science fiction minaitures), please visit the Blasted Planets website, where you will find all the latest information on this range of 25mm science fiction miniatures.
To see what Lance has been up to lately pop over and check out his personal wargames page: War Games Medford Oregon

Be sure to check back for news and information concerning the Bloodaxe line of miniature figures.